The English Learner (EL) Program offers courses to both newly arrived immigrant students whose first language is not English, and to Long Term ELL Learners. Students are placed in courses according to their English language proficiency levels and length of time in the U.S. The unique needs of English Learners are met by the instructional methods and materials designed to increase English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and academic language.
Goals for the district’s English Language Learner Program curriculum include: * To teach the critical language, knowledge about language, and skills using language that are in college-and career-ready standards and that are necessary for English language learners to be successful in schools * To teach language functions (what students can do with language to accomplish content-specific tasks) and language forms (vocabulary, grammar, and discourse) which are needed by ELLs as they develop competence in the practices associated with English language arts & literacy and other content areas * To recognize students’ diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds and experiences * To develop social and academic language in the context of real experiences |